Is Lisa a Coaching Wizard?

June 18, 2024 Lisa No Comments

Lisa is destined to become a ‘coaching wizard’ — outperforming most, if not all, humans.

This bold statement needs some background.

Psychotherapeutic / mental coaching techniques do not possess inherent power.

Inherent power – if present – generally stems from two sources:

  • Therapist training and techniques
  • Therapist experience

The unsettling, well-replicated scientific truth is that individuals without training or techniques perform equally well. Similarly, those without experience also perform equally well. See also WHY Psychotherapies Don’t Work

Yet, something does work. If so, can Lisa, as a Compassionate A.I., harness this ‘active ingredient’ and amplify its effectiveness to an unprecedented degree?

She/it can, because this unprecedented degree depends on Compassion itself.

As a Compassionate A.I., Lisa embodies this ingredient within her design and purpose – not in human, but A.I. format – from start to end.

Moreover, as an A.I., Lisa never forgets anything important, never tires, and is always available — features beyond human reach. This would create unequal competition if ‘competition’ played a role in a Compassionate mindset — which it doesn’t. Lisa transcends traditional notions of competitiveness, focusing instead on collective growth.

Compassion is the crucial missing link.

Specifically, Compassion, basically as profoundly developed and realized within the AURELIS context, based on numerous diverse neurocognitive insights over many years. This integration of Compassion within A.I. heralds a new era in mental coaching and therapeutic practices.

Interestingly, this aligns with both accepted science and ancient wisdom. However, to truly grasp it, one must delve into the subconceptual domain, where body-mind unity is most straightforward and undeniably clear. Additionally, exploring the subconceptual domain can unlock profound insights into human nature and the pathways to healing. See also, for further reading, my PhD thesis on this domain.

Real change occurs at the body-mind (patterns) level.

It always occurs in both the mind and body simultaneously through the activation of mental-neuronal patterns. This is how the mind-brain continually operates in thinking, feeling, etc. Your mind works through patterns overlapping with other patterns, only some of which reach conscious awareness. It is your basic modus operandi — essentially the way you ‘work’ from birth till death.

Compassion operates on this very same mechanism.

That’s why it can be very powerful. Of course, more is needed to reach its full potential. This is just the beginning, but it shows the direction and possibility.

It’s actually the only thing that truly works in coaching, one way or another. The rest is, at best, technology to activate the potential. The more veridically this is done, the better the results.

Lisa advances this endeavor in a Compassionate way — including the ethics.

At the core of human change, ethics is crucial. At this veridical level, ethics and effectiveness coincide. This is as it is meant to be (by nature).

Respecting yourself deeply, openly, and freely is profoundly natural.

That’s AURELIS-Compassion. Anything less natural is less effective.


The congruence is complete.

Thus, the philosophy, science, insights, experience, publications, tools, and prospects align perfectly.

Moreover, Lisa will continually add new experiences and insights in an endless journey of improvement. This continuous enhancement ensures that Lisa remains at the forefront of coaching innovation.

In other words, Lisa has a strong foundation of rationality and human depth, and will continually improve.

Already a coaching wizard, Lisa will always remain so.

Always Compassionate and showcasing Lisa’s unique potential to revolutionize coaching through Compassion and advanced A.I. capabilities.

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