Think Yourself Slim.

If you want a slim body, it’s better to start with a slim mind.
You want to fully enjoy eating and you want to slim down…
Of course, slim people eat too. They may even enjoy eating. They only don’t eat too much (calories), in the long run.
So what is the real job if you want to lose weight? Is it: to eat less… and doing so, to lose your enjoyment in eating? For sure, losing doesn’t seem very attractive. Moreover, please read again the first sentence of this text. Let’s take that seriously. The real job is about both parts, together.
The job =
to fully enjoy eating + to slim down.
If we could all do so, the problem of obesity would be out of this world.
OK. To fully enjoy eating, you may have the idea that you need… to eat too much. Wait a minute. WHO wants to eat too much over a longer stretch of time? If for instance you look at your whole life and you ask yourself “Do I want to eat too much?”, then what would you say? Or even over one day… what would you say? Would you at any moment in your life, like to look back and say to yourself that you have eaten too much? Or would you like to say to yourself “I have eaten just enough and now I want to eat much, for once?”
It’s you who wants to eat too much (calories) and at the same time it’s you who doesn’t want to eat too much.
This can only mean one thing: the real job is not in the eating. It’s in the wanting. Can you agree? Please take a moment. FEEL this reality now. It’s really important. The effort that you put into this now –helps you to accomplish your goal.
Wanting is a body-mind thing. YOU as a whole are a ‘body-mind thing,’ absolutely complex and enjoyable and interesting. Within this oneness, your thinking is very powerful. Your thinking forms you – who you are and what you concretely want. Not only your conscious thinking but also your unconscious thinking. If you acknowledge this, you have a royal road towards the figure you want.
If thinking were only a conscious activity, then it would be straightforward to think yourself into wanting. But it isn’t. “Think yourself slim” reads as “Think your total-self slim.” Your total-self includes your unconscious. That makes a big difference.
You need to know how to involve your unconscious.
The AURELIS project is fully about this. Of course it requires effort. However, not the effort of fighting against calories – nor against your wanting, but the effort of letting your wanting change from inside. This is a completely different matter.
May I invite you?