Most Drugs are Symptomatic

May 22, 2021 Health & Healing No Comments

‘Doctor curat, natura sanat’ (The doctor treats, nature heals). This slogan should get a place of honor in every physician’s waiting room.

(an excerpt from [see: “Your Mind As Cure“])

This becomes more obvious when you check how many medicines only alleviate the symptoms until the sick person naturally heals himself in body and mind.

The following is more or less a complete survey of the present offer of medicines.

First comes symptomatic medication, then non-symptomatic products.

Under the symptomatic medicines are sorted:

corticosteroids, tranquilizers, pain killers, antihistaminic medication, bronchodilators, anti-cough medication, anti-gout medication, and immunosuppressors.

Additionally, a doctor can prescribe symptomatic medicines against acne, itch, dry and scaling skin, common cold, hemorrhages, angina pectoris, heart rhythm disturbances, hypertension, diseases of blood vessels, heart failure, high cholesterol, vomiting, obstipation, diarrhea, migraine, heartburn, Parkinson syndrome, epilepsy, depression, and schizophrenia.

And in compensation of one or the other deficiency, it is possible to prescribe hormones, minerals, vitamins and digestive enzymes.

It should be obvious that all of these merely relieve the symptoms. Not one of them takes away the physical or psychological cause. This means that if you take one of them and stop after a short or long period, only three possibilities exits:

  • You at once or quite soon fall back in the same symptomatology shown before you started medication.
  • In the meantime, you have been naturally healed and from now on free of the symptoms for which you started medication.
  • In the meantime, you have received another, non-medicinal treatment, such as psychotherapy or surgery, which ‘took away’ the physical or psychological cause of the symptoms. Not seldom, these treatments too appear to be symptomatic, though.

And so we proceed to the list of medicines that do take away a physical cause. This list is much shorter than the previous one. Actually, it is super-short. It consists of the means against infections and those against malignant tumors.

Infections and cancer are two domains in which medicine gains significant triumphs.

Nevertheless, these two are also problematic. The question remains whether the aggressors that are handled with medication – namely, the foreign micro-organisms and the malignant cells – are the conclusive causes. According to recent findings, the importance of the ‘domain’ is also considerable with infectious diseases. The ‘domain’ is the ill person himself, his defense mechanisms, and in the end his psyche too (to which extent is yet unknown).

Should then antibiotics and such also be considered as ‘symptomatic’ in many cases? And when cancer is concerned, there too the causative disorder is rather molded by a defect defense mechanism than by malignant cells. Again, the issue of a possibly substantial influence of psychological factors is raised. Too little is known about how significant this impact is, so we should refrain from pinning it down, especially until more psychological distinctions are made.

Is symptomatic OK?

You may wonder: if an individual patient is ‘cured’ of his symptom in a symptomatic way, which influence will this have on the psychological causative components? Is there not a danger that these are ‘forgotten,’ suppressed, considered unimportant? And is this possible without nature taking revenge sometimes, for example through a long-term disease that is even more serious than the first one?

There is no evidence to prove any of this. It is indeed tough to prove methodically. However, confirmation of the opposite is missing as well.

What has been proven

Tension headache recidivates faster with people who take medication for it. Here a symptomatic treatment revenges itself by the headache returning sooner. It is even so that if you do take a lot of drugs for it, you will end up with as many days of headache as when you would not take anything at all. In other words: medication relieves the acute attack but results in a faster recurrence.

To what extent this applies to other medicines as well, has barely been investigated.

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