Healthcare Has No Borders

August 15, 2021 Health & Healing No Comments

The natural reality doesn’t work with merely conventional borders. Thus, it doesn’t fit with medical culture ― causing intractable problems.


In the first half of the 21st century, we witness several profound and global problems that seem to be brought about by ourselves. We may look for their deeper cause in human nature or how this has been mismanaged.

My conviction lies with the latter. I see this in ongoing inner dissociation [see: “Inner Dissociation is NEVER OK“] with causes of causes in a complex recurring network of causality.

Dissociation provokes suffering. [see: “Cause of All Suffering: Dissociation“]

Suffering asks for healing.

Over many (thousands of) years, a domain has been developed to relieve suffering. Nowadays, this is called healthcare. Thus, healthcare has had a unique place in the grand scheme since the start.

Within a broad view, it serves to manage suffering optimally. This should naturally not only encompass getting rid of the suffering. That is only a relatively small part of its responsibility.

The more significant part is healing towards human growth.

This has always been the case, and it will always be so. Remember the medicine man in primitive society who was also the priest. En cours de route, it has been forgotten somewhere in a mechanistic view of the human being. At the same time, this view makes for a closed world of healthcare with rather strict borders.

The mechanistic goes with the closed.

In reality, there are no such borders, and there is no proper mechanistic view. On the contrary, it’s all very open. [see: “Is Medicine More than Itself?“]

Future of healthcare

This openness accords with that of many other fields. This goes pretty far. With openness, fields become more unified as well as unifying. [see: “One Future, One World“]

This is most relevant in the most complex domain: mental healing. [see: “Future of Mental Healing“]

In the broadest view,

the central place of mental healing is naturally borderless. The only borders are conventions. Psychology – and the related part of philosophy – therefore deserves a much worthier place than presently.

At least, if it takes its responsibility. [see: “Psychotherapy’s Doors”]

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