12. ‘The cure sanctifies the means’… no way, mister!

January 17, 2018 Health & Healing, Sticky Thoughts No Comments

‘I don’t care how it works, as long as it works.’ Western society is obsessed with ‘things that work’. We like to see distinctive results. It gives us a sense of achievement, control and if possible also progression towards ‘a better world’.


I couldn’t agree more: it should work!


At the same time, you have to take into account: ‘what’ works? and : ‘towards what’ is being worked? The first question is definitely important because it gives you a clue about the answer to the second question.


‘I want it to work’. So: you want to achieve something. No matter how, there is always a ‘towards what’ involved. What exactly do you want to achieve? In matters of health and wellness, this is always an important question and worthy of your continuing attention. For instance: do you want to get rid of your aching finger? That’s all? OK…


I take an axe and chop off your hand. No more aching finger. If you want, I even use an anesthetic.


Cruel, isn’t it? Sure. So don’t be that cruel to yourself. If you have a ‘painful finger in the mind’, then don’t take an axe to cut off that part of your own personality!


That is: if your body cries out in the way of one or more psychosomatic symptoms, don’t be too rash to take the medication-axe just like that in order to cut it away. Please take care of the symptom as a symbol of yourself and communicate with it. It’s very important!


Listen to it in a deep way. If you do so, it will help you to learn profound and important things about yourself. It will make you more, not less.


‘The cure sanctifies the means.’ The cure of what and towards what?


Take care of your important goals.


Use autosuggestion.


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