The Culminating Point

April 9, 2018 General Insights No Comments

The top and then some ….

A little story from, you-probably-know-where, is about a 30 m high pile.

You scramble up this pile.

And then?

Then you are on top of this pile.

And then?

Then you take a ‘step’ forward

… but you’d rather not if you don’t know deeply within yourself what it’s about. It might be easily misunderstood and then there might be some harmful effects. And yet: IF this situation arises during a coaching, it is enormously powerful.

Both the ‘I’ and the ‘You’ in the poem are capitalized because it’s about total persons.

Two people who are no longer standing next to each other but who, if only for an hour, seriously overlap.

In mutual depth and respect, very carefully.

A smile.

Preferably ask if it’s allowed.

No ego’s.


A wave is coming

and a wave is going.

Ethics? Of course! Without ethics, you fall right down the pile.

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