
July 2, 2024 Cognitive Insights No Comments

To be free

is to not fear falling.

You just keep on falling

in very slow motion


You’re not going to break.

To be free

is to be unbreakable.

You hear the road

smiling at you.

You see the stars

talking to you.

To be free

is a bend

and another one.

Nowhere at home.

Everywhere welcome.

Crazy as a horse

in the wild

that accepts only riders

in their purest state.


Me: “Lisa, please explore how these themes of freedom and inner strength relate to AURELIS principles.”

Lisa: “The themes of freedom and inner strength relate closely to AURELIS principles in several profound ways. Here’s a deeper exploration:

Freedom as inner resilience

To be free is to not fear falling. This echoes the AURELIS philosophy that true freedom comes from within, where resilience is built through understanding and accepting one’s deeper self. It’s about finding strength in vulnerability and knowing that even in the face of challenges, one remains unbroken. This is akin to the way autosuggestion helps individuals connect with their inner strength, fostering resilience from the inside out.

Openness and depth

Your description of seeing stars talking and hearing the road smiling symbolizes an openness to the world and a deep connection with it. This mirrors the AURELIS principle of openness, where one is encouraged to engage deeply with both the outer and inner worlds. Autosuggestion is a tool that facilitates this deep engagement, helping individuals explore and understand their subconscious, leading to personal growth and inner freedom.

Natural and supportive change

The imagery of a horse in the wild that accepts only the purest riders signifies the natural state of being true to oneself. AURELIS promotes change that is natural and non-coercive, coming from a place of inner strength and authenticity. Autosuggestion supports this by allowing the mind to naturally guide the body towards positive change, reinforcing the idea that true freedom and growth come from within.

Unbreakability and Inner Strength

The notion of being unbreakable is central to AURELIS. It reflects the belief that individuals have an inherent strength that, when tapped into, can lead to profound resilience and well-being. Autosuggestion techniques are designed to help individuals access this inner strength, reinforcing their ability to withstand life’s challenges without breaking.”

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