Being Certain

June 20, 2024 Cognitive Insights No Comments

Certainty can arise in two fundamental ways: through a mental journey (gaining inner certainty) or through a lack thereof (outer certainty).

Inner certainty is often more resilient and enriching because it is grounded in personal insight and growth, unlike outer certainty which can be brittle and superficial. Unfortunately, many people don’t put much of an effort into their mental journeying.

The present: many possibilities for inner certainty but few realizations

Technologically, we are increasingly flooded with opportunities for deep journeying. Yet, we are also swamped with distractions that encourage superficial attention dispersal and quick-and-shallow gratification, which are incompatible with profound mental journeys.

This way, people also want their certainties quickly digestible and set.

There’s no time for anything but the next instant dopamine rush from a quick pleasure bite, fueled by a relentless stream of clever advertisements. This instant gratification culture undermines the potential for deep satisfaction that comes from enduring personal growth and meaningful experiences.

Dear reader, do you think you are immune to this?

This is exactly what the ego-driven push mechanism wants you to believe. Those who believe they are immune to manipulation just-because are often the most vulnerable to it.

The prevailing certainty becomes one of outer profit, optimized by algorithms, rather than one of Inner Strength. Unfortunately, we are technologically better and better capable to make a big mess.

Outer certainties often lead to rapid polarization.

This is because they never meet – or even come close – while journeying. Also, they don’t recognize any part of other people’s paths because there hardly are any paths taken. Polarization thrives in the absence of shared inner journeys, creating echo chambers and deepening societal divides.

In a complex society, it’s easy to lose sight of each other and challenging to reconnect. There are many complexities to hide behind and a lot of anxiety from the threat of losing oneself profoundly.

Anxiety doesn’t invite the inner journey; instead, it locks us into rigid certainties.

This also sheds light on the roots of polarized politics.

Highly polarized individuals often view the opposing side as irrational or misguided. Might they all be making a valid point to some degree?

The ‘middle ground’ is also futile unless it emerges from a genuine journey. It may seem like a solution temporarily, until compromis-cuity leads to further division.

Paradoxically, embracing doubt strengthens genuine certainty.

This underscores the value of an open, inquisitive mind, fostering genuine personal growth and reducing societal polarization.

Without the courage to doubt, certainty remains fragile.

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