Why AURELIS-Coaching isn’t Coaching

April 13, 2023 AURELIS Coaching No Comments

The differentiation is appropriate since ‘coaching’ is frequently seen as straightforward, therefore, only applicable to issues not requiring more demanding ‘therapy.’

This results mainly from an ego-understanding of a total self-happening.

Please read the story of ego.

No denigration is meant to ‘normal coaching.’ It can certainly be worthwhile.

Nevertheless, AURELIS-coaching is of a different league altogether, very much related to Compassion, basically. The term ‘coaching’ is used in this as, for instance, the term ’music’ can be used for very different things. Not valuing the difference leaves behind a clear appreciation of the intricate complexity as well as the effectiveness that may be attained through AURELIS-coaching.

It would not create an ideal situation for many on both sides of the AURELIS healing encounter.

AURELIS-coaching is not straightforward.

On the contrary, as art and science combined, it is more demanding than any of both by itself.

A naive person may see art and science as simple, easy endeavors. The more that person gets acquainted with the real thing, the more the naïveté of such can be seen.

For instance, there is a profound difference between listening and Deep Listening.

It may appear easy from the outside.

Surely, coaching is just words (apart from a lot of non-verbal communication) ― as music is just notes. The words or notes are put one after another, and that’s it ― at the surface level.

AURELIS-coaching is a from-the-inside-out happening. That makes it especially challenging to appreciate from the outside, where it may look like a simple black box. The more someone doesn’t see the complexity of such a box (what’s inside), the more it may seem simple.

An additional challenge is that AURELIS doesn’t provide tools to the coach to be used as instruments for changing the coachee.

There is no coach‘s enhancement this way, which may seem counterintuitive.

Why should a coachee trust a coach who cannot be seen as an expert who knows how to handle some professional technology? Isn’t that why we trust any other expert, especially at this time when technology is everything? Isn’t it the promise of psychotherapeutic methodologies?

Contrary to almost everything else, the only tool of the AURELIS-coach is the AURELIS-coach himself.

Proper tools have been developed to make him a more efficient AURELIS-coach. You can read about them on this blog-wiki, category AURELIS-Coaching. If you are interested in becoming an AURELIS-coach, please read this.

The reason is specific: human depth is utterly complex. Any simple tool to be used upon this complexity is too superficial by default, therefore, cannot profoundly heal.

You see:

AURELIS stands for profound healing.

A good appreciation of this is mandatory.

It doesn’t mean there is a lot of severe digging involved (as in psychoanalysis). On the contrary, from-inside-out means that things, at best, happen spontaneously ― as in growth, not repair.

Thus, the real challenge lies in letting things happen spontaneously, indeed. Eventually, that is the only way to attain true depth ― no easy semblance, no shortcuts.

Compare it with surfing on a difficult wave.

That may seem easy from a naïve distance, nothing but standing on a board and letting yourself go with the flow. However, for a novice, there is nothing easy about it.

Now, within this comparison, imagine many different waves – each with complex challenges – and we’re getting somewhere. People (such as coachees) are full of complex, challenging waves.

One may stumble along and think an easy kind of surfing is involved. That is not AURELIS-coaching.

The other side of appreciation concerns effectiveness.

The outside semblance of simplicity may give the impression that this is too simple to be effective. Here again, one can see the ego at work, thinking there must be difficulty involved at the ego level to be seriously effective.

On the other hand, the placebo is effective without ego involvement. Thus, after all, the promise of psycho-soma-therapy shows that the psyche (not mere-ego) can theoretically be at least as ‘therapeutically’ effective as all pharmacology combined. That’s something! To attain this, the main strength needs to come from the human being directly. From-inside-out is more than just a choice of direction.

AURELIS-coaching turns this into action.

Ego may not like this. Don’t push it away.

Also, don’t let it stand in the way of wonderful things happening.

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