From Boredom to Burnout

June 16, 2024 Burnout - Depression No Comments

A profound sense of boredom explains an avalanche of burnout. This monster has many faces, most of which are often hard to recognize.

As explained in What is Boring, the path to burnout is paved with boredom, even when one tries to evade it by lots of superficial stuff.

It’s a matter of a deep lack of meaningfulness.

One can be lonely in a crowd. One can grieve without a death, mourning the loss of youth or aspirations, such as the end of a deeply meaningful relationship.

One can feel soul-level boredom even when overwhelmed with work, giving the false impression that the workload is to blame. However, as many know or even have experienced – simply resting is no solution.

Boredom and burnout are degrees of the feeling of a lack of purpose ― no challenge, no attraction, no adventure, no awe for life itself or one’s existence, no inner joy, no gratitude for the unseen.

The importance of deep relaxation

This is very different from the above-mentioned no-solution-relaxation. The difference is immense. Sadly, it is frequently unappreciated.

As in au-REL-is, deep relaxation involves harmonizing different parts of oneself, fostering closer connections and nurturing these bonds.

A.I. tools can enhance our understanding of this issue. Solutions must come from within, closely tied to subconceptual mental processing. Simple methods or improper use of complex ones won’t suffice.

Deep relaxation can be effectively supported by guided meditation (AurelisOnLine)  and an environment of profound coaching (Lisa).

The attempted evasion by lots of superficial stuff

As mentioned above, this is frequently the way one tries to solve the problem. And indeed, at first sight, evasion makes the problem go away ― but really?

Many people attempt to fill the void with material possessions or constant fast-attention activities, but this only masks the underlying issue. Unfortunately, with a bit of bad luck, it can backfire if superficial distractions make inner connection more difficult. Thus, the solution becomes the problem, and much effort is wasted in the wrong direction.

Even worse, this ‘solution’ may directly obstruct the real one, such as attempts at meditation that only heighten awareness of inner emptiness. Proper support is essential, while inadequate support can worsen the issue. Therefore, don’t assume it’s straightforward even after reading this text. An ‘apprentice magician’ (like many burnout-experience-experts) may do more harm than good.

As you surely know, dear reader from any part of the world, the cost to individuals and society is immense.

Yet unnecessary.

It’s like lacking oxygen in a room filled with oxygen-rich balloons. One can suffocate despite the life-saving air being all around, but unreachable if one keeps searching for it outside the balloons.

It can take months to learn to breathe with limited air. It requires insight to realize there is a real solution — one that begins from within, not from the outside.

You are the balloons. The mental oxygen is inside, waiting.

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