Three Waves of Attention

February 8, 2018 AURELIS, General Insights, Personal Growth No Comments

Where there is life, there is attention. Where there is attention, there is life.

AURELIS integrates rationality and poetry in a specific view of human being.

It brings together body and mind, East and West, past, present and future. Most of all, it unifies conscious thinking and the subconscious mind as understood in modern cognitive neuroscience.

This gives rise to a ‘third wave’ within the evolution of the phenomenon of attention on this planet.

An evolution can be seen from 1) the birth of attention at the same time as life itself, towards 2) conscious-but-dissociated attention, and eventually towards 3) un-dissociated attention that incorporates – conceptual – rationality and – subconceptual – poetry in one go.

The second wave of attention brought the gift of consciousness while dissociating it from its own subconscious ground, say nature.

While every thought and feeling is rooted in subconscious mind, the second wave hugely ignores this. The roots are cut off so to speak. For this, we pay a big price: psychosomatic diseases, depression, addictions (to drugs, food, sex…)

The third wave combines the best of both worlds: conscious thinking as well as subconscious mind,

not separately but in synthesis with each other, as one complex whole. This way, AURELIS stands for the immense possibilities of the complete human mind in health, wellness and far beyond.

One way of striving towards this is through > 1100 different sessions of autosuggestion – intense communication between conscious thinking and subconscious mind – that can be streamed from any computer. These sessions comply integrally to the AURELIS ethics of openness, freedom, depth, respect for the total person and trustworthiness.

Gradually, more tools are developed (AURELIS sessions of autosuggestion, workshops, coaching…) that support the individual in attaining the un-dissociated, this is ‘integrated’ state of attention. Almost as a side-effect, this brings relief on many domains: quit smoking, relieving pain and stress, etc.


AURELIS is based on insights from several branches of science: medicine, neurology, cognitive science…

In the future, AURELIS will also as much as possible scientifically investigate the – possibly huge but as yet uncharted – influence of the deeper mind on conditions such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis etc.

AURELIS aims to form a worldwide team of people with a mission: striving towards the third wave and towards its profound implications in every human endeavor.

If you want to cooperate, please feel welcome.

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