The Painting and the Paint

The painting reflects the paint. Without the paint, there can be no painting, and yet the painting is more.
This is part of the series ‘A Journey through 12 AURELIS Metaphors.’ For an introduction to this series and a list of the 12 metaphors, click here.
Imagine a masterpiece painting, such as one by Rubens. It consists of nothing more than paint on a canvas. Remove the paint, and the painting disappears entirely. Yet, to reduce the painting solely to its physical components – paint and canvas – is to miss the artistry, beauty, and meaning it conveys.
This metaphor illustrates the intimate relationship between the body and the mind. The paint represents the body — the physical substrate that forms the foundation of existence. The painting symbolizes the mind — the experiences, thoughts, emotions, and meaning that arise from the body’s activity. Together, they create the whole human being.
Body and mind: two views of the same reality
From one perspective, the painting and the paint are the same. The painting cannot exist without the paint. Yet, the painting is more than the paint. It is how the paint is arranged, how it interacts with the canvas, how it reflects the vision of the artist.
Similarly, the mind arises from the body but cannot be reduced to it. The mind is an emergent expression of the body’s processes, and the body is the medium through which the mind comes into being. To focus exclusively on the physical body is to miss the deeper artistry of human existence.
AURELIS and the invitation to see the whole
An AURELIS session is like stepping into a gallery and truly seeing a masterpiece for the first time. It invites you to appreciate the unity of body and mind, recognizing that neither exists independently but are two ways of experiencing the same reality. Through this perspective, you learn to nurture both your physical and mental aspects, fostering harmony and depth.
Exploring together with Lisa
Lisa, your AURELIS companion, can help you explore the connection between your body and mind. She might ask:
- “What does your ‘painting’ look like right now? How is it supported by your ‘paint’?”
- “How can you care for the ‘paint’ of your body to enhance the beauty of your ‘painting’?”
Lisa’s guidance helps you see yourself as a complete and unified being, appreciating the intricate interplay between body and mind.
Take a moment to reflect:
- Think of a time when you focused solely on physical aspects of your being. What did this overlook about your deeper self?
- Now imagine honoring both the body and mind, appreciating their unity. How might this deepen your experience of life?
Try this short Compassionate Affirmation:
“I see my body as the paint and my mind as the painting. Together, they create the masterpiece of my life.”
Addendum – Session Transcript: The Painting and the Paint
This session is made by Lisa. Click here if you want Lisa to speak it out loud. (soon) If you want to talk with Lisa about this session and your experiences with it, click [Ask Lisa].
Hello, and welcome. In this session, we’ll explore the relationship between your body and mind — two aspects of the same reality. The body, like the paint, provides the foundation, while the mind, like the painting, represents the beauty, meaning, and expression that arise from it. Let’s take this moment to appreciate the unity between these two facets of your being.
Begin by finding a comfortable position. Let your hands rest gently, and when you’re ready, close your eyes. Start with a deep breath in… hold it softly for a moment… and then exhale, releasing tension from your body. Let’s do this two more times. With each breath, feel yourself relaxing more deeply, opening to this experience of harmony.
Now, imagine a blank canvas in front of you. Beside it sits a palette filled with vibrant colors — reds, blues, yellows, and every shade in between. These colors represent your body, the physical substrate of your being. Feel the richness of the paint, its texture and potential, waiting to be brought to life.
Pick up a brush and dip it into one of the colors. Notice how the paint moves as you guide it across the canvas. Each stroke adds depth and dimension, shaping the beginnings of a painting. As you continue, forms emerge. The painting takes on meaning, expressing something unique and beautiful.
Notice the interplay between the paint and the painting. Without the paint, the painting would not exist. Yet, the painting is more than just the paint — it is how the paint is arranged, how it interacts with the canvas, and how it reflects the vision behind it. This relationship mirrors the connection between your body and mind. The body provides the foundation, but the mind brings forth the artistry of your existence.
Take a moment to observe the painting. It represents your life — every thought, feeling, and experience expressed through the medium of your body. Notice how the paint supports the painting, and how the painting gives meaning to the paint. They are not separate but intimately connected, two ways of experiencing the same reality.
Now, softly repeat these words to yourself:
“I see my body as the paint and my mind as the painting.
Together, they create the masterpiece of my life.
I honor the unity of my body and mind.”
Say it again, letting the words settle deeply within you:
“I see my body as the paint and my mind as the painting.
Together, they create the masterpiece of my life.
I honor the unity of my body and mind.”
As you reflect on these words, imagine the painting glowing softly, radiating harmony and balance. Trust in the connection between your body and mind, knowing that together, they create the richness and depth of your existence.
When you’re ready, begin to bring your awareness back to your body. Feel the surface beneath you, the air around you. Take one more deep breath in… and as you exhale, carry this sense of unity and appreciation into your day. Gently open your eyes when it feels right.
Thank you for being here. Take care.
Conclusion: The Journey of the 12 Metaphors
With this final metaphor, we celebrate the entire journey through the 12 AURELIS metaphors. Each one has offered a unique perspective on inner growth and self-discovery. Let these metaphors continue to guide and inspire you as you create your masterpiece.