Psyche, Soma, AURELIS

March 3, 2019 AURELIS, Health & Healing No Comments

Let’s dive into it head-on today. The influence of psyche (mind) on soma (body) is probably huge and AURELIS can mean immensely much in this.

‘Not knowing’, doesn’t mean ‘knowing that not’.

There are still enormous gaps in present-day medical knowledge. Of what seems to be certain today, a lot was not certain yesterday. A lot of what we were quite certain of yesterday, we are not certain anymore today.

This is not about bringing doubt where none is warranted. It’s about being as rational as possible. Important enough, isn’t it?

Still, underlying a lot of medicine is an unwarranted ‘knowing that not’.

A lot about the influence of mind on body remains unknown. Many medical colleagues uncritically assume that in the future, this will be resolved in favor of ‘no-influence’. The reasoning is that “we just don’t know yet which physical influence will be found to explain the appearance of this or that disease.”

About what percentage are we speaking in this not-knowing? It’s difficult to pinpoint, but I dare say: at least 90%. With one reservation:

“There is of course no influence of mind on body at all.”

A person’s mind is not something ephemeral that exists out of the body-as-such and that as such can influence the body from outside. [see: “Psyche and Soma, Two Sides of One Coin”]

In short: mind = body.

So: influence the mind and you are already influencing the body. Thus, the question can be reduced to: “how can one best go about straightforwardly influencing the body”? Is it through means that can best be described in physical term (e.g. medication, surgery…) or in psychological terms (e.g. stress reduction, deeper meaning…)?

Going back to where we started: it is VERY much possible that in the future, the latter way will be deemed to be more important than the former, even though of course we may envision huge progress in ‘physically-oriented therapy’ (you know what I mean) of all sorts.

Moreover, a lot is known (already)

By way of influence of psychological distress on disease etiology and progression, the placebo effect, etc. This knowledge is quite dispersed in silos within medicine as well as transcending it altogether.

Medical specialists thus seldom have an overview. Many of them see (some of the) influence in the own domain [see: “Medically Unexplained Syndromes”], yet in many cases think this is rather anomalous and, well, weird. This prevents a good view on the general importance.

Moreover, it’s easy to just look past it.

in a culture that is not bent on seeing it. This engenders a vicious circle. Not seeing it makes people even less apt to see it. It doesn’t ‘culturally fit’. Remember that a lot of what medically / culturally ‘fitted’ until just two centuries ago, is now regarded as very weird stuff. [see: “Voodoo There, Voodoo Here”]

This way, in etiological thinking, one may readily stop at some material cause (you know what I mean), thereby overlooking the underlying psyche even if this is much more to the point and interesting, durable, health-provoking, ethical, less costly and otherwise far-reaching, including culturally important.

Moreover, most of the influence is bound to be ‘unconscious’.

[see: “The Modern Subconscious”]

Why? Because unconscious mental processing is vastly much bigger than conscious mind. Modern neurocognitive scientists compare it to just seeing a lot of stars with the naked eye versus the whole technologically observable universe, speaking about ‘a universe inside’.

Unfortunately, the unconscious is even more difficult to be seen. It’s something like wearing glasses within the brain itself. That doesn’t mean it isn’t there or doesn’t have a huge influence on us (you, me…) all the time.


The explicit aim of the project is to let people communicate within themselves with that part of themselves that has most chance to be of huge importance toward one’s own health and wellbeing.

Additionally, in view of being online, standardized and reportable, AURELIS provides ample opportunity to make visible what otherwise remains invisible: the influence of the deeper side of human mental being on many domains.

I hope that we will soon reach the point where this is obvious to many medical colleagues and patients and actually everybody, worldwide. The AURELIS project is one strong arrow toward that – hopefully near – future.

To me, every day, it’s hard to see that this has not yet been attained yesterday.

There is such an immense amount of suffering involved!

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