Letting Go towards Wholeness

September 23, 2018 General Insights No Comments

‘Letting go’ is an important attitude regarding anything that keeps you from ‘being who you are’. The latter is subtle, difficult and vital.

[see also, more poetically but not easy: ‘Having ‘Control’ and Letting Go of It’]

Goal: wholeness

A sub-goal towards this is openness, as in ‘Open Leadership’, ‘Open Religion’, ‘Open Mindfulness’ etc. This is openness in the first place towards one’s non-conscious, subconceptual patterns. [see: About ‘Subconceptual’]

Needed is an ongoing effort towards authenticity, towards valuing oneself as a total human being.

Needed is a ‘letting go’ of all kinds of associations that hamper this openness, thus also really being skeptical in a general way, even when it’s quite confrontational.

‘Letting go’ may sound comfortable but this is certainly not always the case! A less comfy way to say the same:

‘Let yourself fall’

… and welcome the falling.

The question then becomes:

Can you welcome the falling?

You do it through repeatedly and intensely posing this question without throwing anything away just like that, nor trying to contain anything just because it diminishes your sense of conscious self-control.

Don’t ‘let go’ of any important piece of yourself.

Accept new answers that may arise from within you. Three questions you may ask to facilitate this process:

  1. Do I have the readiness to enter this road?
  2. Will I really do so?
  3. When?

The effectiveness of these questions lies in the quality with which you pose them (to yourself).

Easy? I don’t think so. It may hurt. The difficult part lies in the quality of the letting go:

what – why – how – when


Anything that is holding you back from growth.

Concretely, this can be hugely diverse.

You can feel being on the right track when, repetitively, you feel your energy growing, not diminishing.

A next step is then also realizing this in the world.

According to me, personal growth and social action go together. Not in a sense of ‘thou shall’ but in a natural way. For each individual, this may be very different.

The main thing in this regard, is to keep being open. Sooner or later, you may hear a ‘call to action’ from deep inside yourself…

Then, please, brace yourself and go for it.

[see: ‘Brace Yourself, then Go for It’]

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