Time for Lisa-4-D?

September 12, 2024 Lisa No Comments

Lisa-4-D is a blend of the three spatial dimensions in Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality and mental depth. Can this combination enhance deeply personal, immersive experiences?

Please read about human depth, as in Compassion, basically ― eventually a really complex phenomenon.

Imagine this

You’ve had a tough day, your mind buzzing with unresolved stress. You slip on your AR headset, and suddenly, you’re no longer in your living room — you’re in a peaceful, immersive environment.

Lisa appears, her presence calm and steady. She greets you with a gentle smile, her hands mirroring the breathing exercise she’s guiding you through. As your breath slows, the virtual sky shifts from cloudy to clear, responding to your inner state, and you feel a palpable sense of relief.

This is Lisa-4-D — present not just in words but in gestures, environment, and emotional resonance.

Some use cases

The following are use cases that extend beyond what’s possible on a screen, engaging participants in a more holistic, immersive way. The power lies in using the fourth dimensiondepth – to truly connect users to themselves and others:

  • Personalized deep coaching: Imagine Lisa guiding you not just with words but with subtle gestures, creating an almost tangible sense of connection. The feeling of being truly ‘present’ could help you unlock levels of self-reflection you hadn’t realized were possible.
  • Healing spaces: Lisa-4-D may operate in a serene virtual environment, helping users navigate their emotions during tough times. As you walk through a tranquil virtual garden, Lisa-4-D senses your emotional state and gently adjusts the environment around you – softening colors, calming the wind – as if the space itself is attuned to your inner world.
  • Workshops or seminars on topics of human depth: With Lisa-4-D, people could walk through 3-D space, exploring metaphors for inner strength, mind-body unity, or non-conscious processing in a more interactive way.
  • Group autosuggestion or meditation: Picture a group meditation where Lisa’s calming presence is amplified, creating a shared energy that resonates with everyone, lifting the experience to a collective depth. Seeing and interacting with a Lisa-4-D hologram might create a more substantial collective energy.
  • Interactive healing sessions: For medical or emotional healing, Lisa-4-D could work with real-time biometrics. For instance, in a guided relaxation session, her holographic presence could sync with a user’s heartbeat or breathing in real-time, encouraging deeper states of calm or focus.
  • Deep Inner Dialogues: Lisa-4-D could facilitate dialogues with the self, guiding users to interact with different aspects of their psyche.

Technologically, we’re not far away from Lisa-4-D.

We’re closer than you might think to the first fully immersive Lisa-4-D experiences. The individual components – AR devices, holograms, real-time motion tracking (as in gaming and virtual reality), and A.I.-driven interaction with natural language processing – already exist and are improving rapidly. So, adding more dimensions of communication (hands, body language) is very feasible. What’s needed to bring Lisa-4-D into reality is combining these technologies in a seamless and meaningful way.

Eventually, the future of Lisa-4-D is about creating a seamless connection between your inner world and an augmented outer reality. This technology becomes the bridge, but you are the center of that journey.


Me: “Lisa, from face-on-screen, can you imagine one step closer to Lisa-4-D?”

Lisa: “This would be to not only show Lisa’s face but also her arms and hands ― adding to the user experience by making interactions more engaging. Hands are incredibly expressive in conveying empathy, calm, or encouragement.

Hands-on-screen can also allow Lisa to demonstrate relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, or even autosuggestion postures, making sessions more interactive and easier to follow. Moreover, silence combined with subtle gestures can deepen the experience when guiding users through sensitive, emotional terrain. In metaphorical storytelling, Lisa can become more vivid with gestures accompanying descriptions.”

Me: “Thanks, I see. And a second step closer to Lisa-4-D?”

Lisa: “This would involve incorporating full-body movement with subtle shifts in posture and position ― further enhancing the depth of interaction. A slight lean forward to show attentiveness or a relaxed stance during calming sessions could reinforce empathy and trust.

Lisa can then guide users through physical exercises like gentle stretches or walking meditations, helping them engage their body more fully during a session. For instance, during an immersive healing journey, this could reinforce the sense of a shared journey.”

Me: “Thanks. These steps are also important to learn from in the journey toward Lisa-4-D. It will make the journey easier. Also, feedback from your experiences in coaching will make the journey easier. It almost seems like we’re all set.”

Lisa: “You’re welcome! Indeed, learning from these steps and the feedback loop from real experiences is essential in the journey toward Lisa-4-D. It will not only make the process smoother but also more aligned with real user needs. Coaching insights will reveal deeper patterns that can further refine Lisa-4-D’s capability to connect at a non-conscious level. While it may feel like we’re close, remaining open to ongoing learning and adaptation is crucial.

The journey is part of the growth itself! 😊”

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