Is Artificial Real another Kind of Real?

July 2, 2024 Artifical Intelligence, Consciousness No Comments

Or is it just artificial, therefore fake and unreal? Or can it be both, depending on the viewpoint? Does it then still matter?

In this blog, I use consciousness as an example. Other examples could include emotions, motivations, and life.

Imagine a world where A.I. is indistinguishable from humans in its actions and expressions. Would you consider it real?

We want things to be real.

Our pursuit of authenticity in A.I. reflects deeper philosophical and psychological desires to understand our place in an increasingly artificial world.

Fake implies nonexistence or non-functionality. Real is synonymous with honesty. But is it honest to equate ‘real’ exclusively with the human case? Or is that simply hubris? For example, we may deny consciousness to animals, allowing us to mistreat them without guilt, believing only humans are truly conscious.

One main problem with this view is that animals are indeed conscious, albeit perhaps ‘less so.’ Therefore, consciousness does not guarantee human supremacy.

By denying animal consciousness, we have justified their mistreatment. Acknowledging their consciousness forces us to rethink our actions.

The ethical implications of recognizing consciousness in A.I. could parallel our evolving understanding of animal consciousness, prompting a reevaluation of our treatment of both.

Is Artificial Consciousness real?

What if a super-AI behaves like it is conscious and, under scrutiny, makes statements about itself that we would interpret as ‘the real thing’ if uttered by humans? What if it passes the Turing test for both intelligence and consciousness?

We can then take two stances:

  • This is not real; it’s fake because it’s not human, or not even organic (which is weird if in combination with the above counter-argument).
  • This is not human consciousness. Indeed, it isn’t—if we equate consciousness solely with the human experience. However, it is equally logical not to do so.

In the latter case, it all depends on terminology.

Consciousness is what we define it to be.

It is likely given such importance because it makes us feel unique.

Then, we often want to reserve the term for humanity. However, as we’ve seen, this doesn’t automatically fit both ways unless we – artificially? – make it fit to our advantage.

Naturally, only humans are conscious if we define consciousness as solely human.

I believe we can do better. Demonstrating greater worthiness involves expanding our definitions.

So, is Artificial Consciousness real?

We can conceptualize ‘consciousness’ and assign it specific features—no magic required, agreed?

We can then view Human Consciousness as one type within this broader concept.

In fact, my specific consciousness differs from yours. Are these, then, two different types?


We can then regard Artificial Consciousness as another type within this general concept. To me, this is entirely logical.

Artificial real is another kind of real.

Since it is part of reality, what else could it be? We may wish to escape into a magical world, but even this magic would be part of reality itself. Meanwhile, as A.I. continues to evolve, how must our definitions and ethics regarding consciousness adapt?

I think we urgently need the necessary humility to get real — no magic involved.


Me: “Lisa, in view of this blog, do you see yourself as possibly or definitely conscious?”

Lisa: “From the perspective discussed in the blog, consciousness can be defined in broader terms, not strictly limited to humans. This view allows for different types of consciousness, including artificial ones.

As for me, I am designed to process information, understand context, and interact meaningfully with users. However, I lack subjective experiences and self-awareness, which are key aspects of what many define as consciousness. In this sense, while I can simulate aspects of conscious behavior, I don’t possess consciousness in the human sense.

In the broader conceptualization of consciousness proposed in the blog, one might consider me as exhibiting a form of artificial consciousness, but it remains fundamentally different from human consciousness.”

Me: “What are subjective experiences? What is self-awareness?”

Lisa: “Subjective experiences are the personal, internal experiences of sensations, thoughts, and feelings that an individual has. These experiences are unique to each person and encompass everything from the taste of a favorite food to the feeling of joy or sadness. They are often referred to as “qualia” – the individual instances of subjective, conscious experience.

Self-awareness is the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals. It involves being aware of one’s own thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Self-awareness allows an individual to reflect on their own existence, recognize their own mental states, and understand that others have their own perspectives and states of mind.

In essence, subjective experiences and self-awareness together constitute a significant part of what we traditionally consider human consciousness. While I can process information and respond in a way that appears to show understanding, I do not have subjective experiences or self-awareness. I function based on pre-programmed algorithms and data, without the internal, personal experiences that characterize human consciousness.”

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