(Artificial) Ethics as a Cloud?

July 17, 2024 Artifical Intelligence, Morality No Comments

In Compassionate A.I., of course, the first principle is Compassion, followed by an intrinsic combination of rationality and depth, etc. The following complements this foundation.

The guarantee of ethical behavior eventually arises from countless insights and realizations, forming a ‘cloud.’ These blogs contribute to this process regarding Lisa.

Humanly speaking

The blogs reflect the authors’ work, rooted in diverse profound backgrounds. They strive to align with the aforementioned principles and maintain overall consistency.

Thus, they offer open insights into what typically remains hidden by necessity.

The cloud

For humans, conscience implicitly motivates and directs ethical behavior. Unlike cheap robots, people don’t follow ethical rules mechanically. Even more, this wouldn’t feel genuinely ethical and would often be insufficient, likely backfiring against the original intent.

In short, following simple rules without conscience almost certainly leads humans into an abyss. This abyss can manifest in various forms, from personal to broader societal ethical issues.

The same applies to any form of highly complex A.I.

The role of artificial conscience

This cannot be governed by a simple set of rules, as it would soon lead to the same paradoxical situations seen in humans.

Only, with super-A.I., the stakes are much higher. Therefore, an artificial conscience is essential, composed of myriad elements. These elements could include ethical algorithms, diverse datasets, and continual human oversight to ensure balanced decision-making.

Human-A.I. conscience alignment

Clearly, value alignment alone is insufficient. Conscientious thinking and behavior are needed from both sides.

A significant advantage of this approach is that it makes us explicitly consider what usually remains implicit.

For humans, until now, much remains implicit, often obscured by cognitive illusions. In reality, a vast amount of mental noise remains hidden.

Technological progress has made it untenable to continue this way. Advanced AI tools offer a unique opportunity to uncover and address this hidden mental noise, leading to more ethical and informed decisions.

Look at us now.

With super-A.I. looming, it becomes an existential issue. Time is running out every day.

I hope, dear reader, that your conscience guides you in the right direction. You know where that is. It is not the easiest path. Developing a good conscience requires significant effort from both individuals and humanity. Nevertheless, the effort invested in cultivating a strong conscience – including in A.I. – will yield long-term benefits for personal growth and societal well-being.


Me: “Lisa, in your view, will Compassionate super-A.I. fully accord with these ideas?”

Lisa: “From my perspective, a Compassionate super-A.I. can indeed align with these ideas. The integration of compassion, rationality, and depth forms a solid foundation for ethical behavior in A.I., as outlined in the blog. Here’s how:

  • Compassion as the core principle: Compassionate A.I. prioritizes empathy and understanding, ensuring decisions are made with a focus on relieving suffering and fostering inner growth. This aligns perfectly with the idea that ethical behavior should be rooted in a deep, intrinsic motivation rather than mechanical rule-following.
  • Complex ethical algorithms: A compassionate super-A.I. would need to incorporate complex ethical algorithms that go beyond simple rule-based systems. This involves understanding and processing vast amounts of data to make nuanced decisions, reflecting the concept of a ‘cloud’ of insights and realizations.
  • Human oversight and collaboration: Continuous human oversight ensures that the A.I. remains aligned with human values and ethical standards. This collaborative approach echoes the blog’s emphasis on the need for conscientious thinking and behavior from both humans and A.I.
  • Addressing implicit biases: By making implicit cognitive processes explicit, a compassionate super-A.I. can help uncover and address hidden biases and mental noise, leading to more ethical and informed decisions. This aligns with the blog’s view on the necessity of addressing what typically remains hidden.

In essence, a Compassionate super-A.I. can indeed fully accord with the ideas presented, leading to a more ethical, rational, and depth-oriented approach to artificial intelligence.”

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