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The War on Drugs Inner Dissociation

The war on (hard) drugs is a failed war because drugs are not the core of the problem by themselves. The latter lies in-depth ― not only in the user but also in the environment, the broad culture, and the immaturity of the human being. Consciousness and proneness to addiction Profoundly, they are about the Read the full article…

Burnout is a Purpose Problem

Of many causes of burnout, six are frequently mentioned, but seldom with an essential focus on purpose, although all lie naturally close. Let’s look at them precisely from this viewpoint. Work overload With purpose, there is less difference between job and work. People can spend an immense amount of energy if purpose is present. Providing Read the full article…

Cultural Roaming

In AURELIS philosophy, the end of the line is not culture but the total person — the individual (un-divided). Culture must serve nature. See: Culture and Nature. One’s culture can be an essential part of one’s being. This mostly happens outside of one’s personal insight ― not a bad thing, principally, since it can strengthen Read the full article…

Motivation at the Center of Life

Motivation is life. Life is motivation. More than a philosophical nicety, this is relevant to everyone, everywhere, always. Please see beyond the philosophy and into the crucial pragmatic importance. From the start of life Life starts where some structure (such as the precursor of a proto-bacterium) tries to consolidate itself. To do so, this structure Read the full article…

Nirvana, What about Feelings?

Nirvana, Buddhist ‘heaven’ where the candle has stopped burning. What about feelings? What can this teach us about feelings in general? This is symbolism. It’s not about what might happen in another, magical world. It’s also not about what might happen in this world with just a few minor changes. Symbolism readily touches the heart Read the full article…

How can A.I. Become Compassionate?

Since this may be the only possible human-friendly future, it’s good to know how it can be reached, at least principally. Please read Compassion, basically, The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I., and Why A.I. Must Be Compassionate. Two ways and an opposite In principle, A.I. can become Compassionate by itself, or we may guide it toward Read the full article…

Compassion is not Pity

Compassion can be seen as Eastern Enlightenment in action. The term can also be used for ‘pity,’ which is very different, giving additional insight into Compassion. Compassion with a capital C ― see Compassion, basically. Pity can be excellent. In that case, it resembles Compassion. Being touched by suffering is human. Compassion is not meant Read the full article…


One should be scared of any danger, including dangerous A.I. Contrary to this, anxiety is never a good adviser. This text is about being anxious. A phobic reaction against present technology is most dangerous. Needed is a lot of common sense. As to the above image, note the reference to Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s novel. In Read the full article…

Agents and Expected Rewards

This is a story from expectation to motivation. Any motivation is eventually the expectation of ‘reward,’ be it a concrete one or more abstract; be it deeply value-based or more superficial. The simple case looks like conditioning. You may read first about what agents are. An agent acts upon a reward by learning from it Read the full article…

Moral Injury

Moral injury overlaps pretty much with PTSD. The difference lies mainly in ‘moral.’ The injury sprouts from an existential loss of ethical trust. Can people (in general or any individual) still be seen as ‘good?’ Moral injury comes with moral sensitivity. This comes with cognitive and emotional complexity, making human beings more prone to moral Read the full article…

AURELIS during Pregnancy

AURELIS can support pregnancy in several aspects. I hope this may be realized and have a positive impact on many people’s lives, providing a good start for the baby and a joyful experience for the mother. See also the meditative sessions about pregnancy in AurelisOnLine. About babies The new life inside the belly becomes a Read the full article…

Are Religions Ready for Openness?

In the long term, religions seem to evolve toward Openness, be it with ups and downs. Possibly, we are standing before an era in which the gates will be thrown Open. Much readiness is needed to make this happen in a gentle way. Fundamentalism is the reaction towards closedness. We see fundamentalism growing stronger within Read the full article…

Workings of a Muse

Whether in poetry, visual art, architecture, or a new scientific theory, something happens in the creation process that transcends mere conceptual thinking. Many creators denote this as the workings of a Muse. My case When writing, almost always, I am more or less surprised by what spontaneously comes out, as if it’s not altogether me Read the full article…

Mental Illnesses are Meaningful Whirlpools

Especially relevant in the complexity of the human mind is the complexity of what meaningfulness can bring us and where it can go awry. Many diseases are the result of some whirlpool phenomenon. Truly meaningful Mental illness is not conceptually meaningful. Therefore, it is difficult to pinpoint or explain what it is about. Any conceptual Read the full article…

AURELIS Coaching is ‘Spiritual’

‘Spiritual’ as in ‘deeper self,’ this is: inspired, inspirational, spirit, even ‘Holy Spirit’ ― symbolically speaking. This contrasts with merely symptomatic relief in health or any other domain. This shows in aim and means. The aim of AURELIS coaching In contrast to Western medicine’s objective in mental issues, the direct aim of AURELIS is not Read the full article…

The Future of Religion

The future domain of religion will be essentially different from the present organized religions. Nevertheless, people will not be missing out on anything fundamentally worthwhile. This is a description of the setting in which many as yet unknowables will have their place. Symbols and signs A sign is horizontal; a symbol is vertical. Signs are Read the full article…

Eros in Unification

You ― and Me ― and Me in You ― and You in Me. Sex and so much more Of course, eros in unification is about sex ― the unification of bodies. And also about the lives in which those bodies exist. Then, also about two special cells repeating a game that probably started in Read the full article…

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