Acute upon Chronic Stress

With a particular emphasis on the immune/inflammatory system — both kinds of stress together (modulated by many factors) can be significantly more damaging than their sum. This is, at present, a logical intuition, worthy of further scientific investigation. There is much vagueness to get through. Vaguenesses Of course, ‘stress’ is a vague – although pretty Read the full article…

The Meaning of a Word

“The meaning of a word is its use in the language.” — Quote by Wittgenstein, who talked about language games because ‘use in the language’ can be seen as having a very playful aspect. A dictionary provides the meaning of a word ― in some way, but always as an approximation. A word doesn’t have meaning like Read the full article…

No Brainy Signature of Hypnosis

The conclusion of a recent and comprehensive scientific literature overview reveals that “uncovering a single neural signature [of hypnosis] represents an unattainable goal. (*) This brings – again – the question of whether one should talk about ‘hypnosis’ at all. There is no behavioral, phenomenological, or neurophysiological reason to do so apart from convention. For Read the full article…

Lisa x Genetics

Recent advances in genetics have proven beyond any doubt that mental conditions of all sorts are highly DNA-influenced. This is very important for >Lisa<. Important in two ways: diagnostically and therapeutically. Our genes Much progress is being made in deciphering how heritability forms people’s mental landscapes. (*) Most interestingly, we increasingly see that ‘polygenic scores’ Read the full article…

When Cure is Impossible, Growth still is.

According to pharmacological and psychotherapeutic failures, mental disorders seem to be incurable, only symptomatically manageable. Recently, genetic research has added fuel to this flame. This might lead to fatalism. Nevertheless, a profound growth philosophy brings a radically different picture. You might guess that this is very much about the AURELIS philosophy. Genetics: no genuine disease Read the full article…

Abnormal is Normal

For decades already, it has been suspected that mind-related ‘diseases’ are no genuine diseases. Each of them is the far end of a normal spectrum. In recent years, genetic research has made this clearer than ever. This has huge implications for the diagnosis and therapy of almost all mind-related issues. The genetic swing (*) After Read the full article…

Open Constructionist Therapy

Open Constructionist Therapy (OCT, a new concept) is a scientifically valid way to combine constructed and fundamental ‘realities’ in psychotherapy/coaching (P/C). In ‘constructionist therapy,’ the therapist/coach is aware of the placebogenic nature (thus lacking inherent power and privileged knowledge) of the vastly different psychotherapeutic methodologies that he nevertheless uses in his practice. In OCT, he Read the full article…

A Viable Alternative to ‘World Order’?

Some see – globally – either order or disorder and chaos. I see a better solution in a dynamic striving for order that never reaches it entirely but continues dancing around it. This would be a beautiful dance ‘from the inside out’ in which all people can participate. Apparently, we are going from bipolar to Read the full article…

“A.I. is in the Size.”

This famous quote by R.C. Schank (1991) gets new relevance with GPT technology ― in a surprisingly different way. How Shank interpreted his quote He meant that one cannot conclude ‘intelligence’ from a simple demo ― as was usual at that time of purely conceptual GOFAI (Good Old-Fashioned A.I.). At that time, many Ph.D. students Read the full article…

Compassion in Everyday Medical Care

While principally important, >Compassion, basically<, has frequently been lacking in medical care. This might essentially change in the not-so-distant future. “Finding and sustaining compassion, especially during my years as a pediatric oncologist, was an ever-renewing source of professional challenge and satisfaction. At times, it was a daily struggle. I wanted to cure everyone and could Read the full article…

Darwin and the Brain

Darwin had it right to the core. We (natural evolution) stumbled into a niche of intelligence/knowledge that brought heaven and hell to earth. We might choose for heaven, but that’s another blog. Brain stuff It happens that the human brain has pretty much the same kinds of neurons and the same kinds of brain parts Read the full article…

Friendly — Empathic — Compassionate

The conceptual differences are seldom made explicit. Nevertheless, they are huge and crucial for the future of humanity and A.I. Many people, including in high places, don’t profoundly think about this subject and implicitly act as if the differences are unimportant. Many opportunities to do good are thus unfortunately lost. Terms and concepts As always, Read the full article…

Does Evil Exist?

Spoiler alert: It doesn’t — except within interpretation. There, in most cases, it’s mutual. The one (individual, organization, people) seen as Evil doesn’t usually see himself as such. Instead, he sees the other as such. ‘Evil’ also as in geopolitics The Axis of Evil, the war on terrorism, on drugs, or just any war… just Read the full article…

The Mind in PNIE

Over the years, the role of the mind in Psycho-Neuro-Immuno-Endocrinology (PNIE) has become increasingly apparent. This trend is bound to continue, and Lisa is bound to play a significant role in this evolution. PNIE shows the intricate connections between different systems in the human being as a whole. Regarding the mind (psyche), one can go Read the full article…

How A.I. will Change Us

At present, this still depends mainly on human decisions. It’s up to us if only we take that responsibility — now. Heidegger According to the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (died 1976), technology is not neutral. It changes how humans think and behave. It even defines what we see as ‘reality’ insofar as we are able Read the full article…

Jailhouse Lisa

Any in-jail Lisa coaching starts from the insight that morally bad behavior doesn’t originate in a Realm of Evil. There is always an understandable human setting behind any human action. Lisa in jail All convicts must have access to Lisa. At least, that is my view. Moreover, as a matter of fact, this access must Read the full article…

Pain of Being

A conscious and organic being lives in an unavoidable conundrum — imminent death as well as the will to live forever. Or so it seems. But I don’t think so. It’s just that we are oceans apart. Death will not keep us away from each other but life does, with its comings and goings. I Read the full article…

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