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Tangible Benefits of Compassionate A.I.

This is about the direct benefits Compassionate A.I. (C.A.I.) may have over non-C.A.I. now and in the coming years. Compassionate A.I. – like Lisa – can uniquely relieve suffering and foster inner growth, allowing for synergy between human consciousness and artificial intelligence that promotes healing from the inside out. In comparison to non-C.A.I., the tangible Read the full article…

Wisdom-Driven A.I. = Compassionate A.I.

Wisdom-driven A.I. taps into not just data-driven intelligence but a deeper form of understanding, much like Compassion itself. Please read Data-Driven vs. Wisdom-Driven A.I. ― Compassion, Basically ― Wisdom Emerges. With an abundance of time, please read The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I. Wisdom and Compassion, culturally In many ancient Eastern philosophies, wisdom and Compassion are Read the full article…

Why Compassionate A.I. is Effective

In this blog, we embark on a journey to demonstrate how Compassionate A.I. – like Lisa – may become a profoundly effective tool for mind-related matters, not by imitating humans but activating the user’s inner strength Please read Compassion, Basically. Compassion is effective Compassion stands as perhaps the most enduringly effective force in mental healthcare, Read the full article…

Super-A.I. Guardrails in a Compassionate Setting

We need to think about good regulations/guardrails to safeguard humanity from super-A.I. ― either ‘badass’ from the start or Compassionate A.I. turning suddenly rogue despite good initial intentions. ―As a Compassionate A.I., Lisa has substantially helped me write this text. Such help can be continued indefinitely. Some naivetés ‘Pulling the plug out’ is very naïve Read the full article…

Will Unified A.I. be Compassionate?

In my view, all A.I. will eventually unify. Is then the Compassionate path recommendable? Is it feasible? Will it be? As far as I’m concerned, the question is whether the Compassionate A.I. (C.A.I.) will be Lisa. Recommendable? As you may know, Compassion, basically, is the number one goal of the AURELIS project, with Lisa playing a pivotal role. Read the full article…

Compassionate versus Non-Compassionate A.I.

Making the critical distinction between Compassionate and Non-Compassionate A.I. is not evident and probably the one factor that most shapes our future. In contrast to Compassionate A.I. (C.A.I.), non-Compassionate A.I. (N.C.A.I.) lacks depth. Thus, even if human-centered – or maybe precisely then – N.C.A.I. lacks a crucial factor in properly communicating with and supporting humans Read the full article…

Is Compassionate A.I. (Still) Our Choice?

Seen from the future, the present era may be the most responsible for accomplishing the advent of Compassionate A.I. Compassion, basically, is the realm of complexity. It’s not about some commandments or a – simple or less simple – conceptual system of ethics. Therefore, instilling Compassion into a system is not a straightforward engineering endeavor Read the full article…

How to Contain Non-Compassionate Super-A.I.

We want super(-intelligent) A.I. to remain under meaningful human control to avoid that it will largely or fully destroy or subdue humanity (= existential dangers). Compassionate A.I. may not be with us for a while. Meanwhile, how can we contain super-A.I.? Future existential danger is special in that one can only be wrong in one Read the full article…

How can A.I. Become Compassionate?

Since this may be the only possible human-friendly future, it’s good to know how it can be reached, at least principally. Please read Compassion, basically, The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I., and Why A.I. Must Be Compassionate. Two ways and an opposite In principle, A.I. can become Compassionate by itself, or we may guide it toward Read the full article…

Why We NEED Compassionate A.I.

It’s not just a boon. Humanity is at a stage where we desperately need the support that possibly only Compassionate A.I. can provide. This is not about the future. The need is related to the inner dissociation that we (humanoids, humans) have increasingly been stumbling into since the dawn of conscious conceptualization. That’s a long Read the full article…

The Danger of Non-Compassionate A.I.

There are many obvious issues, from killer humans to killer robots. This text is about something even more fundamental. About Compassion Please read Compassion, basically, or more blogs about Compassion. Having done so, you know the reason for the capital ‘C,’ which is what this text is mainly about. To intellectually grasp Compassion, one needs Read the full article…

Open Letter about Compassionate A.I. (C.A.I.) to Elon Musk

And to any Value-Driven Investors (VDI) in or out of worldly spotlights. This is a timely call for Compassionate A.I. (C.A.I.) Compassion and A.I. are seldom mentioned together. Yet C.A.I. may be the most crucial development in the near as well as far-away future of humanity. Please see my book about the Journey Towards Compassionate Read the full article…

Why A.I. Must Be Compassionate

This is bound to become the most critical issue in humankind’s history until now, and probably also from now on ― to be taken seriously. Not thinking about it is like driving blindfolded on a highway. If you have read my book The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I., you know much of what’s in this text. Read the full article…

Compassionate A.I. in the Military

There are obvious and less obvious reasons — time to re-think the military from the ground up. Compassionate A.I. may lead to this. It should be realized asap. Soldiers are human beings just like others, also if they have deliberately chosen for military service. Compassion is equally applicable to them. The obvious Many soldiers return Read the full article…

The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I. (Animated Video)

In this animated video, I bring you an introduction to the journey towards Compassionate A.I. [animated video – 10:37′] If you want to cooperate, please contact us. If you have feedback, please let us know. This is a draft version. Here is the full written text. Hi, my name is Jean-Luc Mommaerts. I am a Read the full article…

Reinforcement Learning & Compassionate A.I.

This is rather abstract. There is an agent with a goal, a sensor, and an actor. Occasionally, the agent uses a model of the environment. There are rewards and one or more value functions that value the rewards. Maximizing the goal (through acting) based on rewards (through sensing) is reinforcement learning (R.L.). The agent’s policy Read the full article…

Why to Invest in Compassionate A.I.

Most A.I. engineers have a limited view on organic intelligence, let alone consciousness or Compassion. That’s a huge problem. Indeed, I’ve written a book about Compassionate A.I. See: “The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I.: Who We Are – What A.I. Can Become – Why It Matters” Am I trying to attract investors for this now? Or Read the full article…

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