Syncope (recurrent)

Heal Your Self 

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Pattern as cause

A returning faintness (or syncope) can have several causes, both mentally and physically (low blood pressure, low sugar level in the blood...). It's important to give attention to this in an appropriate manner. The cause however, is almost always a combination, a pattern in which the factors can reinforce each other. For example: the low blood pressure can also be caused by the psyche.

In any case: the psyche heightens your well-being

It is not necessary to entirely disentangle such patterns. Being open in itself is already a very important step. In any case, by reinforcing your psyche in this respect you can have an influence on the whole and heighten your feeling of well-being.

Control over mental factors that can diminish the blood pressure

A part of the solution exists in an appropriate attitude towards mental factors that can diminish the blood pressure. It's important for you to be able to handle these factors strongly. Such mental factors (and therefore also the low blood pressure and/or syncope) can appear acutely or chronically.
Autosuggestion sessions
  • You are carried from outside
    During a fainting spell, you get the feeling that something or someone supports you from outside, so the faintness doesn't proceed into syncope. It remains unclear where this support comes from, but it feels very good.
    Play Session
  • Within yourself: a source of pressure that you can use when needed
    You imagine a source of pressure within yourself that you can use when you deem necessary. This way, you always have an internal instrument so you no longer handed over just like that to what happens. It gives you a new degree of self-confidence.
    Play Session
  • The mental factors that can diminish blood pressure
    Without having to name these factors, you imagine approaching them and propose them to either reinforce you or leave you. You no longer allow them to bring you faintness.
    Play Session
  • Your brain gets sufficient blood and oxygen
    During a faint episode, you imagine your thorax, as well as your arms and legs, immediately start to cooperate in taking care that your brain gets sufficient blood and oxygen. It's a 'well cooperating company'.
    Play Session
  • At a rising faintness: closing the doors a little
    If you feel a faintness rising, you temporarily close the doors of your imagination, from which further pressure could otherwise escape. You 'reinforce your house'. This needs to last just long enough for the faintness to pass.
    Play Session
Scientific References
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