
Heal Your Self 

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Difficult definition

A commonly accepted definition of dyslexia doesn't exist. It is a reading difficulty by someone with normal intelligence, support and motivation, as well as normal hearing. The cause is unknown and probably in most cases, multidimensional. The question whether it is 'psychological' or not, is not relevant for this indication. In fact there is always a mental factor involved in the sense that earlier experiences with reading and the mental context of it always play an additional role while reading new text.

Difficult treatment

Medication has so far not proven any positive effect on dyslexia. Psychological interventions consist mainly of giving conscious instructions in an educational setting or other learning situation. This is often a long fight with little satisfactory results.

Big role of the subconscious

In normal reading, the subconscious plays a big role. While reading this text for instance, you do not read one single character after another single character, but you go from word to word or from meaning to meaning. You consciously use larger entities, where the composition of smaller to larger entities generally happens subconsciously - unless you consciously focus on those smaller entities. With this AURELIS indication, you have an aid to urge your subconscious to a more efficient processing of the smaller entities, whereby as a matter of fact some processing of the broader context is also important. Reading is a fairly complex activity, whereby you can use in any way as an aid by your own deeper self.

Other AURELIS indications

You probably can also obtain a useful aid by improving your concentration specifically during reading. This is related to a deep motivation. Separate AURELIS indications have been developed on these domains, with almost no overlap with this indication.
Autosuggestion sessions
  • Repetition as if for the first time
    In your imagination, you practice reading or understanding a word or sentence. If this doesn't go well, you simply repeat it. The repetition does not feel like a repetition, but like doing it the first time, and it goes well!
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  • Associations to difficult words
    You practice making associations to a word (or word-part or meaning) with which you sometimes have difficulty. Through these associations, the word becomes better anchored in your brain.
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  • Reading in a special, big book
    You imagine a special, big book in which you are reading. This book is very special because it helps you read with no problems. By practicing with this, you have less problems with other texts.
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  • Each word again its own point of focus
    At each word you focus your attention on it and really concentrate, something you also do with broader meanings. You are continuously shifting your focus and remain concentrated.
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  • At each difficulty a consolidation
    During each difficulty that you experience during reading or listening, you practice consolidating this item. That is to say you spend more time on it. You practice this first at a slow pace. If this goes well, you change to a normal or quick pace.
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Scientific References
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