
Heal Your Self 

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Insufficienty replenished energy reserves

Burnout is not as such caused by an overly abundant expenditure of energy. The real cause is much more that the energy reserves deep inside you are not sufficiently replenished. With ‘energy’ we actually mean in this case: deep motivation.

A container of which the bottom is leak

So there is no container inside you from which you can tap until it’s empty. We see burnout much more as a container of which the bottom is leak. In principle all human beings can dispose of a sheer endless amount of energy. What matters is that you find it and that you learn to use it in a way that is appropriate to you.

Communication with your own deeper self

Our advise therefore is as follows: work on your own deep motivations while you take care that you do not invest in motivations that are eventually strange to you. Such motivations are little or not satisfying. They are like very heavy walls behind which your energy is hidden. Burnout is not only a shortage of energy, but also a surplus of tension caused by a deficient communication with your own deeper self.

Open doors towards energy

With AURELIS we offer you an instrument with which you can tackle these things from both sides together. AURELIS doesn’t try to infuse a lot of fresh energy into you from outside. This is altogether impossible anyway. Our aim is to lead you to open doors behind which you can discover on your own the energy that is naturally yours.

Transformation into a butterfly

We look at a period of burnout as mainly an opportunity to grow beyond it. Someone with burnout is caught inside a cocoon. A good way to get out of it, is to transform yourself into a butterfly. Then you can open your wings and see that you have received a new talent of which you haven’t dreamed before. Burnout is after all a natural phenomenon with a natural purpose, that you handle best in a way that is as natural as possible.
Autosuggestion sessions
  • Your own holy goal
    Everyone has an encompassing goal in his or her life. This is a goal that you can discern behind all your other goals. If you keep this 'holy goal' clearly before you, you gain a large dose of energy (deep motivation) in return.
    Play Session
  • In search of the motivations that are less fulfilling to you
    You look at your motivations critically and, as if with a special sieve, you take out the ones that demand too much energy relative to little or no deep satisfaction in return. You gain a better insight, but what you do with it from this point completely depends on you.
    Play Session
  • The conversation with your deeper self in the guise of a tree
    A somewhat fairytale-like story. Deep inside a wood you discover a powerful tree that gives you a profound feeling of identity. The feeling is strange but comforting. Slowly, you start a conversation in which it becomes clear that you are contacting your deeper self.
    Play Session
  • Intensely doing what you like to do
    Through this session, you learn to deepen what you already like/liked to do. It is an invitation for a feeling of happiness, pleasure and a large dose of energy.
    Play Session
  • In search of your own deeper motivations
    A deep relaxation helps you to search yourself for motivations that really influence you as a whole person. By exploring this, you also make these motivation more alive. You put yourself on one line: a man or woman in one piece.
    Play Session
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