Mainstream medicine of the early 21st century is especially good in experimental science dealing with clearly delineated concepts. An example is emergency medicine. Mainstream medicine is less good in the field of e.g. chronic psychosomatic diseases. Here the reality is not immediately susceptible to clearly delineated concepts. On the contrary, much in this has to do with subconscious, barely or not at all expressible emotions and thought patterns.
A major problem in conventional medicine stems from the tendency to consider experimental science as an exclusive instrument and one that additionally makes itself exclusive. What cannot be experimentally studied, is deemed to be unimportant. This puts psychosomatic problems de facto outside of the regular domain. In less fortunate cases this leads to denial or denigration of psychosomatics. "It's just stress." "It's all between the ears." "It is not physical, therefore not real." "Serious doctors are not concerned with this." Etc.
Given the wide spread of psychosomatics, this is a huge problem. Mainstream medicine is fundamentally not developed with the intention to treat most health problems afflicting modern man. In its design as an offensive weapon, mainstream medicine is primarily directed against the patient himself in the psychosomatic domain.