Support us

AURELIS is an officially recognized non-profit organisation. All your contributions go entirely towards supporting the program, the philosophy and the community.

You can support us through a donation as well as through your volunteering effort.


Many people are needlessly facing lots of problems

that eventually originate from one clear source: a widespread lack of insight into what it really means to be human. Technological and societal complexities very much heighten these problems. Just a few are:

  • ever growing suffering from depression, burnout, chronic anxiety and all kinds of psycho-somatic issues
  • a huge increase in addictive behavior of many kinds
  • a surge of obesity
  • a heightening leadership gap with many dire consequences
  • racism, discrimination and other societal problems that do not get solved, quite the contrary
  • ...

One thing is certain: if we do not tackle these problems to the core, they will continue to get more and more out of control.


We want to spread the good cause as widely as possible

and in many languages. We are convinced that we can contribute in what is much needed in the world, by way of:

  • fostering scientific insight as well as practical consequences of what it really means to be human, on many domains of work, life and play
  • diminishing healthcare costs for all and bringing better health at low cost to many people in need
  • furthering scientific efforts to bring body-mind unity to the forefront of healthcare
  • heightening the quality of leadership based on the same principles, through this having a huge impact on the future at short and long term
  • ...

Additionally, we gladly put our online services -not including face to face coaching- at the disposal of those who cannot afford it, for free. Do you know a recognised organisation serving the underpriviliged and interested in our products? Please contact us.


We are continuously searching for people who want to help with

  • translations and editing in English, French and Dutch. At longer term also Spanish and Portuguese. This can be done directly on screen (in-web) with a special subscription
  • putting images and small texts together to form DailyTwinkles, which we send each day to diverse social media, towards spreading the philosophy
  • managing social media: finding interest groups, helping to spread content...
  • secretarial support.

Of course, if you volunteer for us, we volunteer for you. You get a temporary subscription for free and if the cooperation is working fine, you get a lifetime subscription.


You can make a donation at :

AURELIS International Non-Profit, bank account nr.: BE35 7360 0546 8137