
Heal Your Self 

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Not black or white

Pedophilia is not a black or white condition. All shades of grey, patterns and combinations are possible. The transition towards feeling some pedophile inclination is thus in principle present in every person. This also applies to who is standing fully in life or who starts a certain career with the best intentions. One should therefore also pay attention to the environment that yes or no paves the way to pedophilia. Sexual frustration + a message of inherent sin + the child as a symbol for all kinds that is not seriously developed otherwise. One better go beyond a black or white searching for the cause purely within the pedophile and not in the (very wide) environment.

No guilt

Nobody is guilty of pedophilia. However there is guilt - legally seen - to realizing it in actions that can be catastrophic to the child, especially in a culture that itself weighs heavily upon sin and feelings of guilt. In no circumstances does AURELIS point a finger to ‘guilt’. Feelings of guilt - and the hammering on these - are possibly even an important cause of many problems. In this case: a (shade of grey) pedophile with feelings of guilt will less rapidly search for help because of this, within himself. By oppressing the problem thus for quite some time, it can develop into something that assaults the person - a wave that submerges the person.

Not an illness

Pedophilia is not an illness that one can fight as such. Attempts to that purpose lead to many years of therapy while bringing little or no gain. The concept ‘illness’ as something that falls from outside (such as being genetic) to within and then can be pushed to outside again, is way too superficial in this domain. A serious support can only come from deeper. A solution is also only possible there, in depth. This AURELIS domain has the intention to offer an aid in this for all possible shades of grey.
Autosuggestion sessions
  • Look at a child
    You visualize a child that you look at without allowing sexual feelings to rise within you. Look at the child as a total being that you appreciate and respect as much as possible.
    Play Session
  • Looking at yourself
    This session helps you look at yourself in the totality of your own life. In former days as a child. Now. Later. You too, are a total being that you appreciate and respect as well as possible. Through this, you find more possibilities to make choices within yourself.
    Play Session
  • Your sexuality concerning children, with nature as a guide
    You are alone in a dark forest. You feel unsafe at first but, nevertheless comes a deep feeling of being sheltered. Meanwhile, you think of your own sexuality and feel, with all the support of nature, a change for the good.
    Play Session
  • Magical mirror - meaning of sexuality with a child
    In your imagination, you are standing before a large mirror. You alternatively see yourself and a child. This way you can communicate with the child by means of the mirror at a deeper level about different meanings of sexuality, the child, and yourself...
    Play Session
  • Back to the action - with yourself as guardian angel upon your shoulder
    You imagine yourself once again at the moment that you carried out the actions with the child. This time however, a guardian angel is sitting on your shoulder. This guardian angel is 'the you of now'. You try your best as guardian angel not to perform these actions.
    Play Session
Scientific References
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